Friday, 15 January 2010

Top Ten Tips to Style in 2010

At this time of year, many women face up to the dreaded 'D' word - 'DIET'. A festive season of eating and drinking whatever we want finally catches up with us, and as we breathe in to squeeze into those dresses, jeans, skirts and tops which used fit beautifully, a New Year means a New (Smaller) You and we head for those low fat meals, the gym and a sense of self loathing at some speed.

What's the point? Well, if it makes sense to lose a pound or two, then I'm all for it BUT - many women use this activity as an excuse or a rationale to not look good NOW. This I simply do not subscribe to as a view.

Looking good in your clothes is a matter of creating optical illusions. Women need to understand how to draw the eye to our best features, and away from a wobbly bottom or bloated tummy.

So, here are my top tips:

1. Decide if you want to draw the eye VERTICALLY or HORIZONTALLY with your outfit.

2. If we're trying to appear slimmer, then we want to draw the eye VERTICALLY because this will automatically lengthen and slim our silhouette. Continuity of colour on top and bottom, vertical stripes and darker colours are all slimming and lengthening.

3. Draw the eye horizontally where we have an asset we want to emphasize e.g. a great waist needs a belt; a full tummy can be ignored by an eye-catching necklace or great lipstick to draw the eye upwards.

4. Your size doesn't matter; your shape does. What do I mean? Look at where you carry your weight. Women tend to carry it either IN FRONT (i.e boobs, mid-riff, tummy) of them or BEHIND THEM (bottom, hips and thighs). When you gain weight; it's usually where you least want to; and when you lose weight, it's always where you least want to.

5. If you want to look great in your clothes - they should follow and fit your silhouette. Fit is king. I'm so tired of seeing women in poorly fitting clothes. Get them altered or tweaked to take them from 'blah' to 'wow!'

6. Wearer darker colours where you want to slim and lighter brighter colours where you want to draw the eye.

7. Never underestimate the effect of a great haircut (and keep your colour looking good if you wear any).

8. Always do your make-up and look after your skin and nails.

9. Indulge in the world of accessories - great costume jewellery, bags, scarves, hosiery and shoes litter the high street and shopping mall. Don't shop for new clothes when you're dieting - shop for accessories; which are cheaper and can completely change the look of any outfit.

10. Walk tall - shuffling along and looking miserable is now a good look. Head up; shoulders back; deep breath; smile and off you go.

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